Qualities of 21st Century Learners and Assessments

18 Qualities of 21st Century Learners and Assessments

The 21st century is branded as the digital era. Accordingly, there are several characteristics that 21st-century learners must possess. Experts believe that 21st-century learners tend to favor edutainment as a form of learning since they grow up immersed in digital technology. Thus, they are also expected to be digital literate. They must also be globally competent and can adapt to the demands of the evolving world. In addition, they ought to be effective communicators to be able to collaborate with the rest of the world. They must also learn to be independent learners since different learning avenues are easily accessible to them. They should also have critical thinking and use their imagination to derive innovative ideas essential to the modern world. Furthermore, 21st-century learners must be lifelong learners. They adapt to the changes of time by constantly updating their learning of the world.

Below are lists of some of the qualities that a 21st century should possess.

9 Qualities of a 21st Century Learner Should Be

  • Tech Savvy. They are digital literate. They use technology to think and process information. They seek edutainment for learning.
  • Self-Directed. They are independent. They build their networks and digital connections using devices without much guidance. They can learn in their own ways.
  • Multi-Tasker. They work with speed and can process two or more pieces of information at the same time. They use modern techniques to finish tasks.
  • Innovator. They are creative and innovative which heightens productivity. They develop new ideas that are derived from their curiosity and imagination.
  • Global Citizen. They are globally competent. They can naturally adapt to the demands of the world. They also engage in solving global issues and concerns.
  • Collaborator. They know how to communicate which makes them active collaborators. They have respect for individual differences which makes them good listeners.
  • Critical Thinker. They have the ability to think critically and solve daily problems. They analyze and evaluate pieces of evidence to make wise judgments and decisions.
  • Performer. They do not only think but are also active performers. They take into action their ideas and creative innovations.
  • Lifelong Learners. They are aware that society is constantly evolving. They adapt to the changes of time by constantly updating their learning of the world.

Meanwhile, there are also several features that a 21st century assessment must have. It should clearly state its goals and objectives and employ various forms of assessment. However, the form of assessment used must be valid and reliable or it measures what it intends to measure. The activities must also be enriched by metacognition. It should also consider the differences of students and can fit in the different demands of a learning environment. Furthermore, feedback should be communicated to the students. The result of the assessment must also be clear and transparent and can be used by curriculum makers to improve the class discussion.

Below are lists of some of the qualities a 21st Century Assessment should possess.

9 Qualities of a 21st Century Assessment Should Be

  • Responsive. It generates data about the curriculum which informs students and curriculum makers of the performance of the class to provide solutions.
  • Flexible. It needs to be adaptable to the settings of students. It is versatile and has the ability to fit into the different demands of the learning environment.
  • Integrated. It is enriched by metacognition. It stimulates thinking, building on prior knowledge, constructing meaning, and thinking about one,s thinking.
  • Informative.  The goals and objectives are clearly stated and explicitly taught. Students show the steps they go through and display their process of thinking.
  • Multiple Methods. It includes various strategies that let students demonstrate their knowledge and skills. Authentic and performance-based are more emphasized.
  • Communicated. Assessment data are clear and transparent. Results are posted and students receive feedback on their progress.
  • Technically Sound. It is valid and reliable. They produce accurate information for decision-making regarding the performance of the students.
  • Aligned. The activities are well-aligned with the goals and objectives stated. The results actually measure what it intends to measure.
  • Systemic. It is part of a comprehensive and well-aligned assessment system that is balanced and inclusive of all students and constituents.

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